
Sunday, January 24, 2010

White Geese, or Swans?

On "SE 448 SE" (that's what the sign said) today, west of town, I stopped to see something in a stubbled field. At first I thought they were swans, so huge were they. There were two white, and two light tan birds -- two couples. The white ones looked much larger than Canadian geese, the size difference making them seem swan-like. Geese, or swans?

Saturday, January 16, 2010

The Russian Mafia in Enumclaw?

A woman who lives near Mt. Peak had her car stolen from her driveway at night as she was in the house asleep. The car was later found abandoned in Federal Way, the engine blown. A relative of hers thought it might be the work of the Russian Mafia, though it sounds as though it could just have been joyriders.

But, at least one Russian young man was suspected, several years ago, of casing homes in the 212th area above Flaming Geyser Park. His picture was taken and posted in the area.

If the Russian Mafia is active in a small way on The Plateau, it's seriously time for us to stick together and look out for ourselves and each other. Members of Eastern and Central European organized crime are known to be among the most brutal and ruthless in the world.

Let's toughen up to defend ourselves and each other.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Elk on 276th Near Mt. Peak

On the way to Mt. Peak today, cars were pulled over on 276th. I wondered what the reason was, when I saw a herd of about 30 elk in the fields to the east. Then, the real immediate reason: one elk was on 276th, trapped, trying to break through the barbed wire fence along the road. I'm sure it tore itself up a little continually trying to bash through different sections of the fence. At last, it found a driveway and trotted up to a farmhouse, went around the east side of it, reappeared on the north side, majestically jumped a fence on the west side, then circled around to join the herd back to the east. It was a lot of elk.