
Friday, March 12, 2010

False Spring

Several days ago, during the false spring warm-up, I was surprised to see a garter snake lying across the trail when I was coming down Mt. Peak. I stopped and we stared at each other for a moment, then I went around him/her. Chipmunks and little squirrels were all around, including one above the halfway-elevation-point sitting on a branch holding a peanut in both little mitts. (Who gave him the peanut, now?)

A day or two later, the weather was almost freezing again.

We usually have a little false spring or temporary warm-up, signalled by frogs croaking in the evening. But the cold always comes back before spring really begins.

This time, it's been different. Many trees are budding and leafing, bulbs have come up and are in bloom, and many birds are here early, including a squawking scrub jay.

It seems this time, strangely, the false spring actually fooled the plants and animals (the frogs are always fooled).