
Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Bye-Bye Billboard

I was just about to write about the property billboard at the corner of Garrett and Battersby -- you know the "coming soon" type that advertise what lovely warehouse or offices are shortly to rear their ugly heads.

The problem with this billboard was, if you were on Garrett, at the intersection, trying to turn left on Battersby, the sign obscured your view of traffic coming from your right. You'd have to creep forward and backward and crane your neck to see if a vehicle was coming.

But before I could complain about this blockage and eyesore, someone else got frustrated and disgusted and brought it down the other day. The 4x4 posts are collapsed onto the ground, and the signboard itself is missing.

Hmm, I wonder if the Judge Bathum Sign-Smasher is expanding his/her repertoire?